Sat, 25 Dec 2010 (Merry Christmas!)

PageForward is no longer under active development, and hasn't been for some time.

The author has completely rewritten PageForward from scratch and has given it a new name:

» miniProxy «

miniProxy is available at GitHub. Both PageForward's SourceForge project page and this site will remain online but will not be updated again.

PageForward News

Site Updated (Wed, 18 Oct 2006 19:20:04 GMT)
The PageForward project has started using Sourceforge's provided Subversion code repository, making development easier, so there should now be less time between releases.

New Release (Mon, 16 Oct 2006 18:00:00 GMT)
PageForward 1.5 was released! You can download the new release, as well as view the changelog. Special thanks to all of the prerelease testers who wrote in with plenty of feedback (you know who you are!)

Starting Fresh (Tue, 30 May 2006 18:00:00 GMT)
PF GUI v1.1 was released, and this website got a facelift.

PageForward is a proxy browsing program written in PHP that lets the user view web pages through a 'proxy server' (the server the script is running on.) PageForward uses cURL to remotely fetch pages, and then displays them on the user's screen--making it an ideal tool to bypass internet content filters at work or school, or to just browse anonymously. This program is a heavily modified version of Simple Browser Proxy.

PageForward, PageForward GUI, and this website were written and created and are maintained by me, Joshua Dick. Please go to my website,, to contact me.