Sat, 25 Dec 2010 (Merry Christmas!)

PageForward is no longer under active development, and hasn't been for some time.

The author has completely rewritten PageForward from scratch and has given it a new name:

» miniProxy «

miniProxy is available at GitHub. Both PageForward's SourceForge project page and this site will remain online but will not be updated again.

PageForward comes in two parts: PageForward itself (the proxy browsing program) and PageForward GUI (a flashy frontend/user interface for PageForward that isn't required for PageForward to run.) Both are available for download below.

The PageForward Changelog is also available.


Current Release: PageForward v1.5, released on 10/16/2006

PageForward GUI

Current Release: PageForward GUI v1.1, released on 05/30/2006

Special thanks to BoDaay for spotting a bug in an earlier version of PF GUI, and to Luberth Dijkman for fixing it.

If you want to, you can also browse all files released by the PageForward project.